
Type of service

Maintenance project


Charges (unit: RMB)

Advertising service

Making FLASH banner

2 days

500 RMB

The production of advertising pictures

1 day

200 RMB

Page (floating ads notice, statement etc.)

2 days

500 RMB

Making pop-up ads "

2 days

1500 RMB

Product picture service

With exquisite pictures of products

1 day

100 RMB

Shooting pictures of products (website)

1 day

100 RMB

Picture scanning

5 minutes

50 RMB

The picture watermark (protection products pictures)

10 minutes

50 RMB

Updating service

Add news / Company Profile

1 day

80 RMB / article

Add product information

1 day

100 RMB / article

Web Service

The web page layout adjustment (excluding design)

5 days

1800 RMB

The production of thematic static pages (5 pages)

3 days

1800 RMB / page

Web copywriting content modification

4 hours

200 RMB / times

The increase of QQ marketing triple window

1 day

200 RMB

Delete pages

2 hours

100 RMB / times

Domain name service

Domain name registration

1 hours

120 RMB


3 hours

100 RMB / times

Domain name DNS-VIP

3 hours

800 RMB / year

Website space service

The deployment of transfer, web space

1 day

500 RMB

The content of the website backup

1 day

100 RMB / times

Website antivirus

2 days

200 RMB / times

Audio and video service website

Audio format conversion

3 days

100 RMB

Video format conversion

3 days

200 RMB

The website of value-added services

Home maintenance services


900 RMB / times

The public security bureau network security record

30 days

1500 RMB

The network management of ICP record

70 days

5000 RMB

Add the visitor statistics code

1 day

200 RMB / station