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The ShoveSoft of Safety Online : a mechanism of two brands, the scope of regulation does not include

Date: 2018-11-01
Browse number: 288

It is reported that since October, many places have set up financial supervision and administration, and the local finance office sign hanging. But according to the review found that although has made it clear that the scope of regulation 7+4 "mechanism, but there is no mention of the P2P net loan, on this point, many people think that P2P There were many discussions., net loan should also be included in the local financial supervision and administration, but now many stakeholders in the state is still not clear.

 Xiaofeng safety net loan system: a mechanism of two brands, the scope of regulation does not include the P2P regulation?

What is the "7+4" mechanism?

At present, the local financial regulatory framework is the establishment of wildly beating gongs and drums. That is clearly established in the regulatory agencies on perfecting the local financial coordinating mechanism, local financial supervision bureau and the finance office in accordance with a body sign, responsible for territorial financial supervision and local financial risk disposal. On the supervision object, clear the "regulation 7+4" mechanism. Specifically, including "small loan companies, financing Guarantee Corporation, regional equity market, pawn shops, financial leasing companies, commercial factoring companies, local Asset Management Co" seven types of institutions, by the central regulatory rules, local financial supervision departments in the implementation of supervision; to carry out credit mutual investment company, the specialized farmer cooperatives and society raise the public institutions, places of various types of trading venues of the four types of institutions, strengthening local financial supervision, improve the access threshold, strictly limiting the scope of business.

The "7+4" mechanism without mention of net loan, the industry regulatory who?

11 months to 2017 years, the director of the Guangzhou Municipal Finance Bureau Qiu Yitong in an 21 century economic report reporter interview revealed the "7+4" mechanism, then he said, P2P net loan platform regulation is still not clear. However, a person close to the Southern China Province financial regulators told reporters in twenty-first Century economic report, the provincial leadership in charge of Finance had proposed, should be "7+4+1" mechanism, which includes the P2P net loan (or Internet banking format). In his opinion, for the P2P net loan regulation, the CIRC shall be borne by the silver rule, local financial supervision bureau supervision. A number of P2P platform executives admitted that the traditional financial institutions than banks, net loan industry volume is very small, the financial supervision departments and the limited energy, the extent of this attention is limited.

8 2016, the CBRC and other four ministries issued "network credit information intermediary business activity management Interim Measures", which clearly, the banking supervision institution and its dispatched institutions shall be responsible for establishing a unified standardized development policy measures and supervision and management system, supervise the daily behavior responsible for lending network information intermediaries; local financial supervision the Department in charge of the specific area of network lending intermediary institutions supervision information. The reality is that at the local level, jointly led by the local banking sector and finance office, and other relevant departments of the net loan office renovation, rectification work.

 Xiaofeng safety net loan system: a mechanism of two brands, the scope of regulation does not include the P2P regulation?

Also in the preparation of "Wen Jin Wei"?

It is worth mentioning that the "stable development committee" formulation is the first financial province. In July 2017, the fifth national financial work conference held in Beijing, the meeting proposed the establishment of a stable development of the financial committee of the State Council, the agency was formally established in November. The "Fujian daily" reported that in October 24th, Fujian provincial financial supervision and Management Bureau of the main responsibility is to implement national policies and relevant laws and regulations of local financial supervision; take our province related financial services, local coordination of financial supervision and financial risk prevention and disposal, and bear the stable development of Financial Daily work committee. In this regard, the twenty-first Century economic report reporter repeatedly to contact the local financial supervision bureau of Fujian province official, as of press time, has not yet received the reply.

In October this year, Beijing City Vice Mayor Yin Yong in the "wealth management Chinese 50 forum sixth annual meeting" the speech suggested that in the local government led financial work coordinating mechanism, can consider the local coordination of financial supervision and risk disposal mechanism of two were constructed respectively. The local coordination mechanism of financial supervision office located in the local people's Bank, including members of the unit of local financial supervision bureau, the Banking Bureau, Securities Regulatory Commission, insurance regulatory bureau, the main financial management coordination of the central and local financial management. Local financial risk disposal coordination mechanism can be located in the office of the local finance office, responsible for the implementation of territorial risk disposal and maintenance of stability at the sudden first responsibility, do a good job in the local financial risk and disposal, with the central financial management departments to resolve major financial risks. In this way, formed by the central unified regulatory rules, establish coordinating framework of financial departments, supervision power closely, the central bank asked to play a central role of accountability of local financial supervision system in the financial stability and coordination.

The ShoveSoft of Safety Online, as developers of domestic well-known P2P net loan system, has been committed to the net loan platform development, professional security and compliance. Since the sale, Xiaofeng safety net loan system with its strong technology and perfect service system, has been in a leading position in market share. The future, Xiaofeng safety net loan system will continue adhering to the "core value to help customers succeed", by virtue of its AI technology and perfect service system, innovation and beyond, is committed to changing the financial AI.

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