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Net loan industry need to effectively prevent and mitigate the risk, it is necessary to establish ..

Date: 2018-10-23
Browse number: 286

A recent net loan news, so many investors hesitant, we are in a wait state. But from another perspective, this also makes the overall share control of the Internet in the financial sector, the development trend of industry standard has been formed. At present, the urgent need to strengthen the industry statistics and risk monitoring, accurately grasp the base platform and the degree of risk, to further strengthen the risk early warning function. At the same time, to explore the development of universal rules and mechanisms for financial innovation, including the Internet financial industry, establish a long-term supervision mechanism.

 Net loan industry need to effectively prevent and mitigate the risk, it is necessary to establish long-term supervision mechanism

In recent years, with the rapid development of P2P lending network as the representative of the Internet financial industry, to a certain extent make up for gaps of traditional financial services, provides convenience for the financing of small and micro enterprises and individual payment. But because has not yet established effective supervision system of this new thing, over a period of time, the Internet financial industry barbaric growth, uneven in quality Longshehunza gather a lot of risk. 2018 first half of the year, without the approval of the P2P net loan institutions run away of news, not only the impact of the financial system, has huge social risk.

The steady development of the financial committee of the State Council recently held a special meeting to resolve the financial risk that the next step will continue to insist on maintaining stability, a good grasp of policy to deal with the relationship between the rhythm and intensity, good short-term response and long-term institutional construction, solid work. Do the net loan risk, to further clarify the central and local departments, the division of labor and responsibility, work together to do a good job. To further find out the net loan platform and risk distribution, differentiated and classified policy, to ensure effectiveness. To study and formulate the necessary standards, accelerate the construction of long-term supervision mechanism of Internet financial. At present, the entire industry has been out of the barbaric growth stage, the urgent need to establish a long-term supervision mechanism to achieve balance regulation and innovation, promote the healthy development of the industry, effectively preventing and defusing risks.

 Net loan industry need to effectively prevent and mitigate the risk, it is necessary to establish long-term supervision mechanism

First of all, to establish a sound system of financial supervision and the Internet, a clear division of the responsibilities of regulatory authorities. In the overall leadership of the finance committee, to further clarify the regulatory responsibilities, clear financial supervision departments and local government division, to achieve effective supervision cohesion is a pressing matter of the moment. Secondly, the Internet hidden financial risks, infectious, extensive and sudden than traditional finance is more prominent, strengthen the risk warning mechanism is particularly important. At present, most of China's relevant professional institutions have not yet access to national financial credit information database, free from the state system of financial statistics, different institutions of various kinds of standard and pricing and the standardization degree is low. At present, there is an urgent need to establish a sound industry statistics and risk monitoring mechanism, so that regulators can timely and accurately grasp the base platform and the degree of risk, provide data support and management basis for the development of the industry and regulatory authorities. In addition, should promote the special legislation involved in Internet banking, for In 2015 the introduction of the "guidance" on promoting the healthy development of Internet banking, should further improve the rules at the level of system construction, makes the whole industry development law".

At the same time, to establish and improve market access and exit mechanism. At the end of the entrance, to further improve the industry access mechanism, improve market access threshold, improving the professional requirements for risk management and financial institutions internal staff. At the same time to improve the market exit mechanism, according to the market, the principle of the rule of law, properly handle the withdrawal mechanism assets and debts, as much as possible to protect the interests of investors, without risk of exit. Crack down on the borrower malicious taofeizhai behavior.

Xiaofeng safety net loan system, as developers of domestic well-known P2P net loan system, has been committed to the net loan platform development, professional security and compliance. Since the sale, Xiaofeng safety net loan system with its strong technology and perfect service system, has been in a leading position in market share. The future, Xiaofeng safety net loan system will continue adhering to the "core value to help customers succeed", by virtue of its AI technology and perfect service system, innovation and beyond, is committed to changing the financial AI.

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