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Good news! EIMS won the Shenzhen City, Baoan District party hundred enterprises title

Date: 2018-10-22
Browse number: 311

As the Internet technology companies, EIMS has always attached great importance to the work of Party building, Party building as the leading enterprise development direction, enhance cohesion, maintain a top priority to grasp advanced enterprises. Since the establishment of EIMS Party branch, has launched many rich and colorful building activities, and the party's Ideological Penetration to the whole group staff finally, hard work pays off, in October 18, 2018 officially assessed as Shenzhen City, Baoan District party hundred enterprises! EIMS is honored to receive this honor, thanks also to the group Party committee approval.

 Good news! The British Smythe group won the Shenzhen City, Baoan District party hundred enterprises

 Good news! The British Smythe group won the Shenzhen City, Baoan District party hundred enterprises

(Shenzhen Baoan District Hongtouwenjian 100 news bulletin)

EISM Party branch in 8 to 2017 years was formally established by EIMS co-founder Han Jianyu was appointed secretary of the party branch. In South Korea under the guidance of group members, EIMS in-depth study of the Constitution and the party system, the implementation of the "big nineteen" spirit. Adhere to the spirit of the party's nineteen session of the nineteen second session, a comprehensive guide, firmly grasp strictly, implement the Party branch secretary of grasping the main work of Party building of the main line, highlighting the catch team, with team, manage ideas to break the problem of ideas, carry out the "two a" normal education, construction service type party organization party brand to create work, provide a strong organizational guarantee for the construction of a new era of "great cause".


How to be a qualified EIMS group members

To be a qualified member of EIMS must always remember, rights and obligations as Party members should abide by the. Learn, learning series speech and the Party Constitution do qualified party.

 Good news! The British Smythe group won the Shenzhen City, Baoan District party hundred enterprises

(British Smythe group Party learning content at a glance)

EIMS branch of learning atmosphere

In EIMS group training center, there is a party culture wall, let the party members to remind himself to the party organization learning. Every party learning activities here, like "two a" discussion exchange, Party members to join the ceremony and so on.


 Good news! The British Smythe group won the Shenzhen City, Baoan District party hundred enterprises

(British Smythe group building cultural wall)

 Good news! The British Smythe group won the Shenzhen City, Baoan District party hundred enterprises

(EIMS group Party branch was established and the rite)

 Good news! The British Smythe group won the Shenzhen City, Baoan District party hundred enterprises

(EIMS group Party branch members.)


At the same time, in order to promote the Party branch of internal learning in communication, to achieve improvement in learning, held many Party organizations to build activities, such as: visit the three CPC memorial hall, "two a" Learning Forum and other activities, and actively participate in the activities of the organization with the party, and many excellent results.


 Good news! The British Smythe group won the Shenzhen City, Baoan District party hundred enterprises

(EIMS group Party branch show the wall)

EIMS group has been convinced that science and technology achievements dream, change the future data. Get the party hundred enterprises and not proud, it will motivate EIMS group cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, modest and prudent, for new heights, believe in the strength of the model play a good demonstration of responsibility, make greater achievements. As the party hundred enterprises, EIMS group will adhere to firmly establish the "4 consciousness", adhere to the "four self", strictly grasp their own building, exemplary implementation of the party's theory and policy, the development of production and management of the work of Party building and enterprise depth integration, enterprises to upgrade its own core "and the development of Baoan Bay area Zhichuang, highland, shared home building deep integration, positive for the region's economic and social development and the harmony and stability and make new contributions!


Shenzhen Enterpise Information Management System Culture Technology Co., Ltd. (“EIMS”) was founded in 2008, registered capital of 50 million, headquartered in Shenzhen. EIMS has more than 380 employees in the country, of which R & D personnel accounted for more than 50%. In China mainly by EIMS rhino cloud business group, rhino cloud solutions division, EIMS (Chinese) Research Institute, ShoveSoft department, public works Department of 5 business sections. After 10 years of development, EIMS has passed the ISO9001 quality system certification, rated AAA grade credit rating, has IDC, ISP, SP, call center, license, double soft certification of high-tech certification of high-tech Internet companies, at the same time EIMS based in Shenzhen, radiation throughout the country, in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou 24 China important city and set up a branch office, and actively promote the enterprise each business forum floor.  

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